What is the Purpose of this Blog?

TeachUAE Cover

The Teach UAE Magazine Cover that features an article on this project. Plus some of our boys on the cover!

Grade 4A at Raffles World Academy – Dubai, wants to make a difference in their community.

After thinking of many ways we could make a contribution, the class thought seat belt safety was the most connected to us and our community.

The UAE, including Dubai, is known for having dangerous roads. Even worse, most people do not wear their seat belts when driving. This includes Dads, Moms and even kids. Everyone in our class have seen young kids standing in cars or riding without seat belts. We want to put an end to this.

This blog will give readers information, videos and more all related to seat belt safety in the UAE.

We also want you to take some time and watch our video and take our pledge.

We hope you enjoy our blog.


Grade 4A – RWA

8 thoughts on “What is the Purpose of this Blog?

  1. Well done Grade 4A. Lovely to see some of my old students! I am very impressed with your video and promise to show it to my Reception class when we are back in school on Monday. Well done and keep up the good work!

  2. Nice job grade4a.
    Year 5 did a survey and we found out that 3 children in our class do not use their seatbelt everytime they get in the car.
    They have promised to use their seatbelt everytime they get in the car for 1 week after watching your video.
    Hopefully this will turn in to a habit for them.

  3. Dear Grade 4A,
    I am from a school in Ajman and I heard about your wonderful idea. I think that you have raised a VERY important issue that needs to be taken very seriously. I have shared your blog with my Year 1 class and they have promised me they will make sure that they wear their seat belts. You could be REAL Superheroes and save another child’s life because of this blog. Well Done!

    • Grade 4A wants to thank you for taking part in our campaign to make Dubai a safer place. Many thanks from Grade 4A to Ajman.


      Mr. G. and Grade 4A

      • Me Sofya Y, my friend Anika and Sofia.F took the pledge and we appreciate the hard work that you did! We are proud of you!!!

  4. I’m in grade 5D at Raffles World Academy and my name is Simarpreet and I want to say that grade 4A , you’re doing an awesome job already 1 year before the exhibition. Well , you guys are kinda famous for what you have done! Any ways , I take the pledge that I’ll always buckle up my seat belt whenever I sit in my car . Thank you guys so much for this cool job!

  5. I Fabian Michot pledge to always wear seatbelts when I’m at the car and always remind my family to wear seatbelts too.

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